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Why fitness should be an "all year long" goal...
June 22, 2021
Rachael Moore, Founder/Lead Instructor/Fitness Professional
The biggest fad for the Spring and Summer are FITNESS CLASSES & AT HOME WORKOUTS to gain that "beach body" that we all want. We all neglect the other months that matter. Maintaining one's fitness regiment is key! I wanted to share a list of things that you can do to help maintain your own fitness throughout the year.
1. Develop a schedule- Don't just say that you will or sign up for something and find excuses to not go. Keep yourself accountable with a SCHEDULE. Most cell phones have calendars installed to help you with your own time management.
2. Entice yourself with setting goals- Most start working out, but get burned out along the way with boredom, lack of socialization, and motivation. Setting goals for yourself is the first step. Keep a notebook, write "inspirational" sticky notes for yourself to put in areas that you will see, and FIND A WORKOUT BUDDY to do things with. The hardest part is encouraging yourself to keep going or find things to help you stay focused.
3. Make your workout FUN- Of course, being in dance industry, I have to say this. Most workouts are not fun and they don't keep your attention for longer than 30 days. Find workouts that incorporate the things that excite you. Music and Dance can do this for some, but if you don't enjoy that, find something else that excites you. Outdoor workouts are great! Hiking, Outdoor sports, Swimming, Rock climbing, etc are some examples.
4. Find a community that will encourage YOU- Finding the right people who are like-minded can be a huge change for your workout. The socialization component for some is what is needed to keep the motivation meter going!
If you want some help with keeping your motivation moving year round, feel free to contact me anytime. My goal is to keep everyone moving in any aspect of fitness possible.

Put one foot in front of the other...
August 11, 2020
Rachael Moore, Founder/Lead Instructor/Fitness Professional
We have been facing some trying times during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying focus and keeping your dance goals can be hard with the challenges that we are all facing. Put one foot in front of the other- whether you are at home in your pajamas or slowly getting back out into the world, this should not stop you from practicing! I wanted to share a list of things that you can do at home or in the studio (staying safe, wearing a mask, and keeping distance of 6 feet from others).
1. Make a daily routine for your dance practice- write down a list of things that you would do in a lesson or group class and focus on using the time you would have in the studio at home for rehearsing what you know.
2. Make a DANCE NOTEBOOK- start organizing a notebook with your dance styles. Keep them organized with what type of dancer you are focusing on being. Social, Entertainment, or Competition. Exercising your brain is just as important as your body.
3. Video your PRACTICE- you can take these videos and critique yourself. Remember, we are our own worst critiques. You can learn a lot about yourself by watching what you have been practicing. Also, you can send it to your instructor for critiques. We have time on our hands and would love to help you at home. At SdeB, we also have videos that we have prerecorded that you can do right from your living room!
4. Get a STEP COUNTER- OMG! There are so many devices out there that can help count how much you are moving. Watches, apps on your phone, and various pedometers are available for you to get to help track your movement! Keep a log and try to set goals! AND MEET THOSE GOALS!
5. GET BACK IN THE STUDIO! There are several ways that you can get back on the dance floor. We all know that being in the environment is a huge step to keep your motivation soaring. Wearing a mask, social distancing, and washing your hands are essential in these times, so we are implementing creative ways to help you keep your dance goals moving forward.
My goal as a dance teacher and athlete myself is to not let this overcome what I am truly passionate about. Don't look back at this and think..."What did I do with my time?” the answer is in front of you. Stay positive, stay healthy, and stay safe. We are all in this together! Let's keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Resolve to do better.
Feel free to contact me or the studio for help and motivation for your dance needs at home or in the studio!

I am a Dancer...
May 19, 2020
Kimberly Caprocatta, Dancer
I have recently noticed how often the sentence, "I am a dancer," comes up in conversation.
Often it is a response to the "occupation" line on the form at a doctor's office.
Somehow what started as my friend wanting me to try something new with her has turned into who I am.
Dance is something I do. Dance is also a big part of my identity.
Dance has made me stronger in body and mind.
Dance has made me more sociable.
Dance has provided me an ever-evolving perspective and insight into people and the way the world works.
People have their own unique culture, language/way of speaking, dreams, hopes, desires. They also have fears, burdens, sadness and darkness.
The interesting thing is dance is universal. It is our human way to express those feelings and thoughts. We can tell a story without speaking the same verbal language.
Dance can bring us together.
And we certainly could all use that right now.
Have a great week!
Keep dancing forward!

How to keep your dance skills up during the Covid-19 Pandemic
May 19, 2020
Rachael Moore, Founder, Lead Instructor, Fitness Professional
I know that during these trying times, its hard to keep up with your normal dance routine. I know it has for me, personally... I have been doing some searching for things that could be beneficial to our dance family while at home.
I have found a great website developed by Rebecca Brightly showcasing a guest writer, Mead McLean talking about how to dance in an area that has little to no studios or areas to dance.
We are offering classes online to do at home. If you feel comfortable coming in person, we are allowing 10 people in the studio at one time for dance fitness classes. We are also offering private sessions to practice and keep up your dance skills.
In the meantime, check out this great read...
Check it out!

What's in your dance bag?
February 16, 2019
Rachael Moore, Founder, Lead Instructor, Fitness Professional
We all want to be as prepared as possible. I am always asked what to keep handy in my dance bag. Well, it may shock you what you will find in mine own. But, here are a few things that you should grab and pack away for your next dance lesson, dance class/fitness class, party, and/or competition.
Dance Shoes- duh... (it's like playing tennis without a tennis racket...makes life harder)-- different dance styles call for different shoes...ask your teacher, they can help--
Notebook and pen/pencil -- always good to write things down to remember!
Towel - You should be working hard enough that you will sweat!
Extra clothes - maybe you don't want to go to your next event smelly... :)
Water bottle - stay hydrated!
Women - hair ties, hairspray, brush, bobby pins, makeup/fake eyelashes, nail polish, tape (never know when you need that) -- all the wonders to keep us beautiful!
Fuel- protein bars are great when you are running low on fumes. Shoe brush - keep those shoes healthy to twist and turn on the floor.
Warm Up Jacket - Robe -- this is mainly for competitions because those ballrooms can get pretty chilly.
Band-aids and ointment -- yikes! Blisters hurt!
Flush-able wipes - well... you can figure out what that might be for. ;)
There are many other things that you can add to this list, but I wanted to get you started with some of the items that I put in my bag. If you have other things that you add, that's GREAT! Stay prepared and focus on what is going to make you a better social dancer, entertainer, or athlete on the dance-floor!
Now, go out there and rock it.

Disability or Ability?
August 10, 2016
Ashlie McCormac, Intern at SdeB
Dance is usually not done as just a hobby. More often than not,
dancers will tell you it is their passion. I do not differ from this
mold. Dance is my passion, and it always has been. Though, I did enjoy
straying from the path most traveled, in this case being ballet, hip
hop, or jazz.
I evolved into what is considered an aerial dancer. I competed in pole
dance championships and performed aerial silks. I loved the
combination of flexibility, strength, and dance.
Then, all of it was ripped from me when I fell off a ski lift. I
destroyed both of my knees, including but not limited to three tears
in my ACL. After that, dance seemed to be a thing of the past for me.
After years and years in and out of wheelchairs and crutches, even
After seven knee surgeries and still more to come, I continued to
rebuild my career but it was never the same.
I finally felt back to myself when my road of dance got another
pothole. I was 17. When I saw my doctor, he told me the hearing loss
in my right ear was now permanent and I should expect to loose the
left ear as well. My left ear followed on New Year's Eve when I was
20. I was defeated. I finally felt as though my chance was over. So I
retired my pointe shoes, my silks, and my pole.
I started my new path. I enrolled in Armstrong State University,
became an English major, and learned to live with my body that
betrayed me. The school told me that I had to take P.E. Courses. I saw
a class for modern dance for beginners. I decided I would take a
chance. I thought to myself, "well, they are all beginners, and I will
be starting from the bottom as well, so why not."
I walked in and Rachael Moore as the instructor. She must have seen
something in me, because she told me to apply for her internship.
Now the stage is finally set. I started working at Salon de Baile as
an intern in November of 2015. I had my first competition in January
and walked away with first place in every heat I competed.
Though my dancing does come with some added complications, like my partner tapping the beat on my shoulder to assist me with keeping
time, Or like the shadow of my next knee surgery hanging over my head, which I'm currently working on scheduling between competitions. It is all worth it.
Rachael Moore is my perfect mentor. Her mission statement is that
anyone can dance. Because of this, Rachael gave a chance to a bad
kneed, deaf dancer who just wanted a second chance to pursue her
passion. She constantly explains to people that neither of those make
me any less of a dancer than anyone else, and neither of those are a
hindrance or disability.
-Ashlie McCormac, Intern at SdeBDanceStudio